Sunday, December 11, 2011

Last day in Awassa & a trip to the fish market

On our last day in Awassa, we awoke to a beautiful sunrise. The full moon shining brightly over the lake struggled to stay in the sky.

Joan and I were heading back to Adama today. Tomorrow was the beginning of a new class, and even though we weren't the main trainers, we needed to be available to assist if asked.

Before we headed out though, we wanted to go to the fish market. I'd heard it was a good place to see a lot of Marabou Stork, and we weren't disappointed! These guys were everywhere!! Some of them were a good 3-4 feet tall. The local kids followed us around, tossing fish skeletons to the storks in order to give us a good 'photo op'. In reality, the kids had scavenged the fish bones and were only feeding the storks so they could then 'charge' us for that photo op. I kept telling them 'no thanks', but they all seemed to have selective hearing.

Along with the storks, the pelicans were plentiful. These are also enormous birds...quite a bit bigger than the brown pelicans found along the Pacific Ocean.

There were birds everywhere...hawks and storks soaring overhead. Storks following us around, and ibis and vultures perched in the trees above.

It was an interesting sight, and well worth the 10 Birr given to the kids when we got back to the car. We headed back to the Haile Resort to have lunch, grab our bags and get on the road. It would be a 3 hour drive back to Adama and we wanted to get there before it got dark.

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